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Hi welcome to Free Cataclysm WoW World of Warcraft Cata Leveling Guide the main purpose of this site is to inform new players to valuable resources that will help them in their online journey! Please bookmark for future updates and Enjoy your stay!

My Recommendations for Premium Cata World of Warcraft WoW Alliance and Horde Leveling Guide

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Beginners guide to the Auction House

Dear players, this guide is made in the purpose of helping you out when it comes to the economy in World of Warcraft. You will be able to learn how to use the all mighty Auction House and how to make the best purchase and bargain. Let’s start with the Auction House itself.

Wow’s Auction House has been a subject of envy for all players that were playing other mmorpgs, simply because it was the best made solution for players. Auction Houses or in short AHs can be found only in the capital cities in the old map of Azeroth: Stormwind, Darnassus, Ironforge and Exodar on the Aliance side and Undercity, Ogrimmar, Thunderbluff and

Silvermoon City for the Horde side.

How to use the Auction House

Once you get to the AH you should click on one of the Auctioneers. On the left side you will see the categories of items and goods you can search through. By clicking in example on the Weapons you will have listed sub-categories which will of course make your search easier. On the upper frame you will see a text box for the following: Name, Level - Range and a drop down menu where it says All. Depending on what kind of quality item you are looking for you could narrow your search to: poor, uncommon, common, rare or epic items by clicking under the All tab. If you want to search through all you should just leave it as it is and click on the Search button on the right side. Searching through all items is never advisable since there are so many items on the AH and you have a good chance of getting lost. If you know the exact name of the item you are looking for type it in the Name text box and click on Search. The list of all available items currently on the AH will be shown. On the down side you have the link to go to the next page/pages.

There is an option to see how an item would look on you i.e. armor and weapons. Hold CTRL key and left click on the item and you will be able to see it. This option is popularly called “the dressing room”. When buying an item you should make sure to check its price. The Buyout price is the maximum price and by selecting an item and clicking on the Buyout button located at the bottom of the AH window you will be able to purchase an item right away.

The first price that you see is the price that you can bid. You can bid by clicking on the Bid button also located in the bottom of the AH window. If you want to get an item for the cheaper price you should definitely bid but expect that other players will do the same so it can be a long chase. When you bid the amount of gold that you have bid with is taken from you but if somebody outbids you the same amount is returned to you via mail. If you manage to buy the item without being outbid the item will be sent to you also through mail when the time of that particular auction expires.

If you would like to sell an item, click on the Auctions tab on the left side at the bottom of the AH window. Place an item in the Auction item slot; fill in the Starting price and the Buyout price and the check the length of your Auction duration. You can put 12 hours for short, 24 hours for long and 48 hours for very long auction. It is advisable that you check the prices on the same item before you make your own auction, lower your price a bit and then put it on. If the item is sold you will get the gold on your email with a small percentage fee that the AH takes. If the item isn’t sold it will return to you when the auction expires.

You could always monitor your bids and auctions by clicking on the Bids and Auctions tabs.