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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Enchanting 1-300 Guide

-This is the guide I used to level up my enchanting. No known author but it seems like its the same one that made the alchemy guide. Enjoy!

This guide will show you how to get your enchanting skill up from 0 to 300. The guide will only use recipe's available at a trainer until 265 and vendor available recipe's from 265 to 300.

This guide only uses recipes that require components aquired through disenchanting. Shards will be avoided as much as possible, since they are difficult to get.

This guide does not tell you how to get all the different recipe's from quests, vendors or drops. What you do once you hit 300 is entirely up to you.

This guide is primarily aimed at those who want to switch profession at high level or have high level alts, friends or guildmembers.


You are going to need a lot of dust, essences and some shards. Create two alt storage characters, level one of the storage characters up to 5, so she can become an enchanter and send green items to her for disenchanting. Send green items to the other storage character. Since disenchanting will also give a skill point, these green items will be used to disenchant later. Use the ingame mail system to send everything to the storage characters. Don't forget to send some gold to the storage characters, so they can send everything back.
Ofcourse you want to know at which level a green item gives what. Below is a list taken from Jaywu's Enchanting FAQ.

Dust and Essence:

Generally the dust is from armor and the essence is from weapons, though it can randomly be anything.
Level 01-10: A little strange dust/lesser magic essence.
Level 11-15: Much strange dust/greater magic essence.
Level 16-20: Much strange dust/lesser astral essence.
Level 21-25: Little soul dust/greater astral essence.
Level 26-30: Much soul dust/lesser mystic essence.
Level 31-35: Little vision dust/greater mystic essence.
Level 36-40: Much vision dust/lesser nether essence.
Level 41-45: Little dream dust/greater nether essence.
Level 46-50: Much dream dust/lesser eternal essence.
Level 51-55: Little illusion dust/greater eternal essence.
Level 56-60: Much illusion dust/greater eternal essence
Shards come from blue or purple items (they can come from greens, but don't count on it).
Level 01-20: Small glimmering.
Level 21-25: Large glimmering.
Level 26-30: Small glowing.
Level 31-35: Large glowing.
Level 36-40: Small radiant.
Level 41-45: Large radiant.
Level 46-50: Small brilliant.
Level 51-60: Large brilliant.

Once you have all the components collected everything has to be send back to your main character. The mailbox only shows the first 50 items you have in the mail. It also puts the last item send to you on top. So to avoid complications send the components you need first last: i.e. the green items to disenchant are needed first, so these are the last to be send back to your main, after strange dust and magic essences, which are needed next, and the other dusts and essences.

To learn recipe's from a trainer costs gold. The amount of gold needed is aproximately 20 to 25 gold if you disenchant all of the dust, essences and shards. If you want to buy everything you need from the auction house expect to spend upwards to 800 gold. This does not include gold for recipe's from vendors or the auction house.

To enchant something requires runed rods, such as a runed copper rod. To make those rods you need rods made by blacksmiths. For example; to make a runed copper rod you need a copper rod. The following rods are needed; copper rod, silver rod, golden rod, truesilver rod and arcanite rod. Find a blacksmith who can make the rods for you or check the auction house and get them. The arcanite rod is expensive. Making a runed arcanite rod is also expensive. Since it is not needed for this guide, but only for the highlevel enchants, you may want to postpone getting one if you are strapped for gold.

Below is a table that shows the amount of dust, essences and shards needed. The minimum amount column shows the minimum amount needed if you would get a skill point every time you enchant something. However at some point a recipe will be yellow or even green when you enchant something so you won't allways get a skill point. The estimated amount column deals with this, so try to get the estimated amount of dust, essences and shards on your storage character. The numbers in the estimated amount column are rounded up to full stacks of whatever the component stacks up to. The numbers in the table do not take into account the disenchanting of items to get the first skill points.

Component Minimum Amount Estimated Amount

Strange Dust 184 (19 stacks) 190 (19 stacks)
Soul Dust 80 (8 stacks) 90 (9 stacks)
Vision Dust 149 (15 stacks) 160 (16 stacks)
Dream Dust 240 (24 stacks) 250 (25 stacks)
Illusion Dust 122 (13 stacks) 150 (15 stacks)
Lesser Magic Essence 39 (4 stacks) 50 (5 stacks)
Greater Magic Essence 13 (2 stacks) 20 (2 stacks)
Lesser Astral Essence 15 (2 stacks) 20 (2 stacks)
Greater Astral Essence 2 (1 stacks) 2 (1 stacks)
Lesser Mystic Essence 30 (3 stacks) 40 (4 stacks)
Greater Mystic Essence 6 (1 stacks) 10 (1 stacks)
Lesser Nether Essence 25 (3 stacks) 30 (3 stacks)
Greater Nether Essence 20 (2 stacks) 30 (3 stacks)
Lesser Eternal Essence 0 (0 stacks) 0 (0 stacks)
Greater Eternal Essence 4 (1 stacks) 4 (1 stacks)
Small Glimmering Shard 0 (0 stacks) 0 (0 stacks)
Large Glimmering Shard 0 (0 stacks) 0 (0 stacks)
Small Glowing Shard 0 (0 stacks) 0 (0 stacks)
Large Glowing Shard 0 (0 stacks) 0 (0 stacks)
Small Radiant Shard 0 (0 stacks) 0 (0 stacks)
Large Radiant Shard 0 (0 stacks) 0 (0 stacks)
Small Brilliant Shard 4 (1 stacks) 4 (1 stacks)
Large Brilliant Shard 2 (1 stacks) 2 (2 stacks)
Shadowgem 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Iridescent Pearl 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Black Pearl 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Golden Pearl 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Copper Rod 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Silver Rod 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Golden Rod 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Truesilver Rod 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)
Arcanite Rod 1 (1 stacks) 1 (1 stacks)

Getting from 1 to 50

Earlier I wrote that you need runed rods to enchant something. The first rod needed is the runed copper rod. So make a runed copper rod to get your first skill point.
Disenchanting items will get you a skill point. Send the green items you stored on a storage character to your main and disenchant them.
If you were not able to reach 50 with disenchanting, enchant a bracer with minor health to get to skill 50. You can enchant the same bracer over and over again. An annoying window will pop up each time asking if you are sure to overwrite the existing enchant. Just click ok to do so.

Once you hit 50 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Journeyman Enchanter. You have to be level 10 to become Journeyman Enchanter.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 0 to 50.

Skill Item From - To
1 Runed Copper Rod 0 - 1 (1)
1 Enchant Bracer - Minor Health 2 - 50 (49)

Getting from 50 to 125

Enchant the bracer some more with minor health to get to 70. Now enchant the bracer with minor deflection to get to 80.
Enchant a chest item with minor absorption to get to 90, a cloak with minor resistance to get to 95 and a bracer with minor stamina to get to 100.

At 100 you can make a runed silver rod, which you need later on, so make one now and get a skill point.
Enchant a chest item with lesser health to get to 105, a bracer with minor agility to get to 115 and a shield with minor stamina to get to 125.
Once you hit 125 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Expert Enchanter. You have to be level 20 to become Expert Enchanter.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 50 to 125.

Skill Item From - To

1 Enchant Bracer - Minor Health 50 - 70 (20)
20 Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflection 70 - 80 (10)
40 Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption 80 - 90 (10)
45 Enchant Cloak - Minor Resistance 90 - 95 (5)
50 Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina 95 - 100 (5)
60 Enchant Chest - Lesser Health 101 - 105 (4)
80 Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility 105 - 115 (10)
100 Runed Silver Rod 100 - 101 (1)
105 Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina 115 - 125 (10)

Getting from 125 to 225

Enchant the shield some more with minor stamina to get to 130. Enchant a bracer with lesser stamina to get to 150.
At 150 you can make a runed golden rod, which you need later on, so make one now and get a skill point.
Enchant a bracer with lesser intellect to get to 155. Enchant a shield with lesser stamina to get to 160. Enchant boots with lesser agility to get to 170, a chest item with greater health to get to 180, a bracer with spirit to get to 185, boots with lesser stamina to get to 190 and a bracer with strength to get to 200.
Allthough you can become artisan enchanter once you hit 200 it is better to max to 225 first, since the trainer for artisan enchanter is inside an instance. I will get back on this in the next chapter. You have to be level 35 to become Artisan Enchanter.

At 200 you can make a runed truesilver rod, which you need later on, so make one now and get a skill point.
Enchant a chest item with greater mana to get to 205, a cloak with greater defense to get to 215 and a cloak with resistance to get to 225.
This table shows the different recipes used to get from 125 to 225.

Skill Item From - To

105 Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina 125 - 130 (5)
130 Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina 130 - 150 (25)
151 - 155 (4)
150 Runed Golden Rod 150 - 151 (1)
155 Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina 155 - 160 (5)
160 Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility 160 - 165 (5)
165 Enchant Bracer - Spirit 165 - 185 (20)
170 Enchant Boots - Lesser Stamina 185 - 190 (5)
180 Enchant Bracer - Strength 190 - 200 (10)
185 Enchant Chest - Greater Mana 201 - 205 (4)
200 Runed Truesilver Rod 200 - 201 (1)
205 Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense 205 - 215 (10)
205 Enchant Cloak - Resistance 215 - 225 (10)

Getting from 225 to 265

At 225 you have to become artisan enchanter to get any further. The master enchanter that teaches artisan enchanting is inside Uldaman. The highest level recipe she trains needs 250 skill, so you want to bring enough material to get to 250.
The table below shows the components needed to get from 225 to 250, so bring these with you when going the the master enchanter in Uldaman. You will need the runed truesilver rod made earlier as well. You will also need boots, gloves and a chest item to enchant, but you are probably wearing those, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Component Minimum Amount Estimated Amount

Vision Dust 75 (8 stacks) 90 (9 stacks)
Dream Dust 10 (1 stacks) 20 (2 stacks)
Lesser Nether Essence 15 (2 stacks) 20 (2 stacks)
Greater Nether Essence 5 (1 stacks) 10 (1 stacks)
Runed Truesilver Rod 1 1

Once you reach the trainer talk to her to become artisan enchanter. Once you're artisan enchanter enchant gloves with agility to get to 230, boots with stamina to get to 235, a chest item with superior health to get to 240, gloves with strength to get to 245 and a bracer with greater strength to get to 250. Once you have trained all the recipe's she can train you, you can leave the instance.

Enchant the bracer some more with greater strength to get to 265.
Allthough you can get to 270 with the last recipe you train from a trainer I am not going to use that recipe since it requires wildvine. Wildvine is a herb and can not be aquired through disenchanting. The recipe also uses shards and i want to minimize the use of shards as much as possible. Vendor available recipe's are going to be used to get to 300.
This table shows the different recipes used to get from 225 to 265.

Skill Item From - To

210 Enchant Gloves - Agility 225 - 230 (5)
215 Enchant Boots - Stamina 230 - 235 (5)
220 Enchant Chest - Superior Health 235 - 240 (5)
225 Enchant Gloves - Strength 240 - 245 (5)
240 Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength 245 - 265 (20)

Getting from 265 to 300

Get the enchant shield - greater stamina recipe from Mythrin'dir in Darnassus or Daniel Bartlett in Undercity and enchant a shield with greater stamina to get to 285. The recipe is bind on pickup when bought so make sure you buy it yourself and not an alt or friend or guildmember.

Get the enchant cloak - superior defense from Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade and enchant a cloak with superior defense to get to 290.
At 290 you can make a runed arcanite rod, allthough you don't need one to get to 300, you are going to need one in your enchanting career anyway, so make one now and get a skill point. You can get the runed arcanite rod recipe from Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade.

Enchant the cloak some more with superior defense to get to 300.

Congratulations, you now have 300 skill in enchanting.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 265 to 300.

Skill Item From - To

265 Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina 265 - 285 (20)
285 Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense 285 - 290 (5)
291 - 300 (9)
290 Runed Arcanite Rod 290 - 291 (1)
This table shows who and where the different vendors are for the previously mentioned recipe's.
What Who Where
Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina (BoP) Mythrin'dir (Alliance Faction)
Daniel Bartlett (Horde Faction) Darnassus
Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense Lorelae Wintersong (Neutral) Moonglade
Runed Arcanite Rod Lorelae Wintersong (Neutral) Moonglade

-Zack Taylors